Truck + Johanna + Irene = Disaster!
A couple of weeks ago me and Johanna went out to different clubs on campus. When they were about to close i decided to go to the club where Johanna was to say hi. When I got there she looked kind of depressed.. i was trying to make her feel happy again but i didn't quite work. Anyway, we decided to go for some "drunkfood" (fyllekäk) and on the way we found a small truck (just look at the pic).. my first thought was "Wohoooo!! This will make Johanna happy". So, i told her that i would pull her all the way to Baloogrillen (hamburger place). It started really good and people came and joined us (can you believe my sore muscles the day after..). The first hurdle was downhills.. i had to run in front of them not the get my feet look like smashed meat. We made it! Then we came to a bump on the ground which made the truck rollover. It was a hell of a crash since the two guys who joined us fell down on Johanna.. she scratched her whole right side of her face and she was bleading from at least three different wounds.